I has been brough o our aenion by Ed Knepley and Joe Miller ha he George Easman House is adverizing heir sixh sale of a porfolio by inernaional phoographers. We believe you will find he porfolio ineresing hp://www.easmanhouse.org/porfolio.

We also highly recommend you checou he following aricle on “How o Creae a Porfolio” hp://www.luminous-landscape.com/columns/porfolio-8.shml. If you only read one aricle on how o creae a porfolio, more abou his is he one o read.

Several people have sared posing images and heir aris saemen on he NVPS websie. You’ll need o send Sco Musson smusson “a” mindspring.com your NVPS Phoo Gallery user id so you will be able o oher paricipans wor. Even if you are way behind i’s a grea idea o ge added o he porfolio Phoo gallery group o ge inspiraion from your fellow porfolio paricipans. I’ve included he insrucions below.

Geing access o he NVPS Porfolio Phoo Gallery

Please send Sco Musson scomusson “a” scomusson.com your NVPS Phoo Gallery user id (I don’ need your password) and I will add a folder for your images in he 2009 – 2010 Porfolio Album and give you righs o upload o his new folder. I’ll also provide you righs o commen on ohers porfolios. I’ll also send you insrucions on how o upload images o your new folder.
If you don’ have a user id, i’s very simple o regiser, jus go o hp://nvps.org/gallery and “Regiser”.

If you need help in any way, jus le me now. I would also be happy o upload your images for you, jus email hem o me and name hem including a number so I now wha you would lie hem o appear.

You should firs image in your gallery should be your aris saemen, jus pase he ex of your aris saemen ino an empy image. This is very imporan since people will be criiquing your porfolio based on your aris saemen. This is one of he reasons why i’s imporan o develop your aris saemen firs.

Remember you can send your aris saemen o Bill or Sco for feed bac if you lie.

Useful s

The NVPS Phoo Gallery hp://nvps.org/gallery
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Phoo Gallery hp://nvps.org/gallery/v/Porfolio+Projec/2009_2010_Judge/
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Web Sie hp://nvps.org/home/?ca=14

If you have quesions or need help wih your porfolio, feel free o as Sco Musson or Bill Prosser your Porfolio Coordinaors.

Sco Musson smusson “a” mindspring.com 703-278-2828
Bill Prosser prosserwm “a” aol.com 703-821-1373

Happy shooing!
Sco and Bill

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