NVPS member Wayne Wolfersberger had an image selected by Nature’s Best for their Yellowstone Forever Competition. It was one of 100 selected out of over 11,000 entries.
Also, three images of Yellowstone were selected for the Yellowstone Association’s 2017 wall calendar. They are the main images for March (grizzly and cub in snow), August (bison herd), and October (a foggy sunrise).
An image of a ruby-throated hummingbird appeared in the most recent (July/August) Virginia Wildlife Magazine.
Wayne presented a program in June on Shooting Sunrises and Sunsets to the OLLIE organization at GMU Campus.
In the fall, Wayne will be teaching a class on Nature Photography (4 classes and two field trips) and a workshop on photographing waterfalls with the Fairfax County Parks: see Partakes Online.