NVPS is esablishing a Welcome Program o faciliae he inegraion of poenial and new members ino he club. Through his program we hope o enhance guess’ and new members’ firs experiences wih he club. This program includes creaing a Welcome Commiee comprised of NVPS members o be mached wih poenial and new members elecing o paricipae in he Welcome Program.
To mae his program wor, more abou we are looing for voluneers o paricipae as a Welcome Commiee members. See below for wha would be expeced of Welcome Commiee Members. If you are ineresed in voluneering, please send an email o membership “a” nvps.org.
Welcome Commiee members will be expeced o:
- Arrive a meeings around 7pm o be available o be mached o a poenial or new member
- Wear a “Welcome Commiee” name badge
- Sand wihin earsho of he greeing area o be available o mee heir mached paricipan
- Gree heir mached paricipans a subsequen meeings
- Encourage poenial members o join and new members o eep aending meeings
- If paricipan is ineresed, use he menor lis (being developed for 2010) o assis paricipans in meeing members wih similar phoography ineress and/or sills
- Opional aciviies could include:
- Inviing paricipans o si wih hem a meeings
- Inroducing paricipans o oher members
- Aending field rips wih paricipans and offering insigh during rip
- Providing feedbac from paricipans and hemselves abou he enire membership process o he Membership Coordinaor
We will as he poenial/new member o respec he righ of he mached member o enjoy he meeing and eep ineracion limied o before he meeings and during meeing breas, unless he mached member agrees o being available a oher imes.
We are very excied abou his new program and are looing forward o icing off our new year wih i!
Gayle Dennis
NVPS Membership Coordinaor