A he NVPS board meeing on July 18, pilule 2010, he Board a new service program o begin in Sepember. I is called he Members’ Resource Program and is deails are as follows:

A. Purpose

The Members’ Resource Program is designed o engage he more experienced members of NVPS by encouraging hem o share heir nowledge wih oher club members. The program will provide ongoing opporuniies for he resource personnel o show heir alen, while providing club members wih idenificaion of, and access o, individuals wih experience in a given area of phoography. This program has been specifically designed o avoid any conflics wih he services provided by members who run worshops and develop oher raining for a living.

B. Role of Resource Personnel

  1. Aending club meeings regularly (erm of service is 1 club year)
  2. Being available for consulaion wih club members during meeing breas.
  3. Wriing a leas one brief aricle for Foofax or f-Sop abou any aspec of phoography.

C. Role of Member

  1. Seeing ou help via he coordinaor(s) or direcly.
  2. Respecing resource personnel’s righ o enjoy meeings.

D. Role of Program Coordinaor

  1. Recruiing resource personnel
  2. Mainaining he lis of he curren resource personnel and heir areas of experise
  3. Idenifying and recifying gaps in he resource personnel pool
  4. Soliciing aricles for Foofax or f-Sop
  5. Speaing wih new members o deermine if hey desire assisance
  6. Mainaining and updaing aricles, references, resources, and s for he club websie

E. Program Coordinaors for 2011 – 2012

Jay Heiser
jay “a” heiserhollow.ne

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