Your porfolio images have been delivered o he criic for he Porfolio projec. The woring Gallery w you uploaded your images will be disabled oday and no furher changes will be allowed.  Your final images have been uploaded o anoher gallery which everyone will be able o afer he Porfolio meeing on May 11h.

Your final sep in he process is o creae  your prined porfolio (if you haven’ already).  You’ll bring your prined porfolio o he May 11h meeing for people o .  Remember your prined porfolio doesn’ have o be limied o he 12 submied images.  Your porfolio can be prined in many differen forms and i’s your selecion as o how you ulimaely would lie o presen i.

The gallery loos grea and you should all be proud of he effors you’ve made over he year o ge w you are.  In he fuure i migh be ineresing o eep he hisory of he images as i’s fascinaing o how some of hem have changed and improved.

I’m very ineresed in houghs from he paricipans on ways we could improve he Porfolio Projec in fuure years and I encourage you o send your suggesions o boh Bill and me as you hin abou hem. Please send hose ideas o smusson “a” & prosserwm “a”  We’ll collec all he ideas and re hem wih whoever voluneers o run he projec nex year.

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