The cherry blossoms have come and gone and all ha pin and whie has urned o green. I wen o Meadowlar yeserday and couldn’ believe how everyw I looed i was jus GREEN!!! I also noiced ha he log ha has been in he bac pond for years (w I have sho geese and urles basing in he sun) is gone. I reminded me of jus how ephemeral life (and naure) can be and how one mus boh capure and seize hose fleeing momens.
As NVPS wraps up an amazing year I once again wan o han everyone for heir conribuions, cheap camaraderie, and suppor. We have made errific srides his year and are consanly looing for ways o improve he NVPS experience for is members.
On May 4h, I encourage you all o come o he Program nigh. The membership will be ased o voe on hree (3) separae business/club iems:
- Elecion of slae of officers for 2010-2011
- Compeiion Rules changes
- Consiuion and By-Laws changes
All he proposed changes are lised on he websie and in Foofax. Please familiarize yourself wih hese proposiions and be prepared o cas your voes.
I also would lie o highly encourage you all o sign up for he NVPS End of Year Banque ha will be held on Friday, June 11h (deails on he web). You will save $5 each if you sign up before May 25h. Feel free o bring your significan ohers o his inspiring and fun even. We will all ge he opporuniy o he “bes of he bes” from his compeiion year.
And finally, again… I am sill looing for voluneers for nex year. Many fols have already hrown heir has in he ring and I really appreciae i. Also, please feel free o al o me or email me abou ideas ha you migh have o improve he club and provide me wih feedbac on how you hin NVPS is doing.
Keep on shooing and enjoy spring while i lass!
Sandi Croan
Presiden NVPS
pashli “a”