T is only one word o describe February – SNOW! I can’ remember a ime ha NVPS meeings were cancelled wo wees in a row. I hope you oo advanage of hese hisoric weaher evens o ge some grea images. Tuan colleced blizzard images and posed hem on he web a he following : hp://nvps.org/gallery/v/fieldrips/2009_2010/Blizzard+of+2010/. Thans Tuan.

In oher news, on January 31s (wih again, he hrea of being snowed ou), he NVPS Execuive board me for over 4 hours o discuss a very long agenda including: proposed compeiion rules changes; he poenial addiion of new eleced posiion (Operaions VP – explanaion elsew in Foofax); discussion abou poenial changes o EOY awards, he appoinmen of a commiee o evaluae and mae recommendaions on he curren Execuive Board srucure; sorage space for equipmen a he Fire Hall; and oher posiion repors and adminisraion. I sincerely han each of he board members and special commiee members for heir incredible hard wor, insighs, and paricipaion.

Over he nex few monhs, he membership will be briefed on any proposed changes and will have an opporuniy o commen and as quesions. T will also be several meeings w membership voes are required. Please pay close aenion o Foofax and he Web for daes of such meeings and plan on aending.

I am hrilled o repor ha Andy Klein, our Faciliies Coordinaor was given permission from he Robbie Hall (w we mee) Presiden o use a small area in a close for sorage of our equipmen. A secure box has been ed and will be delivered soon. Than you ANDY! This will mae John Naman’s and fuure equipmen managers jobs much, much easier as hey will no have o schlep and sore all ha each wee. Than you John, for almos 2 full years of schlepping wihou missing a single meeing.

Las monh I menioned ha we were geing close o he 250 member mar.  We are now closer o 260!  Ed Groar is he 250h member of NVPS and will receive a gif cerificae from Penn Camera. Bu hese numbers don’ mean anyhing unless you ae advanage of your membership by coming o meeings and learning, sharing, conribuing, or whaever firs inspired you o join.

As I also menioned las monh, we are gearing up for nex year. Please email or me a a meeing if you would lie o voluneer for nex year. Even somehing small, lie urning lighs on and off a meeings.

I hope we have no more weaher issues ha will affec our meeings for he res of he winer. I love he snow, jus no on Tuesdays!

Say warm and happy shooing.
Sandi Croan
Presiden, NVPS
pashli “a” aol.com

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