I is hard o believe ha we are more han halfway hrough his club year. I has been an amazing year so far and by he ime his goes o prin, I wouldn’ be surprised if we hi he 250 member mar.  This is an hisoric landmar in NVPS hisory. For me, he bes par of being your Presiden is geing o now you and welcoming all he new and prospecive members. The diversiy in ages, personaliies, phoographic experience and syles, is asounding and exciing.

I was very excied a our January WET criique and subsequen compeiion o he prins projeced on he screen. I believe ha his is a real enhancemen for he members who have had a difficul ime ing he prins on he lighbox. Alhough he color is no 100% accurae wih he projecion, he members a he compeiion overall agreed ha hey lied and appreciaed i.  As Timber Gooding said, “Thin of his as a jumboron”. You can always si closer o he prin box if you wan o he real hing. Many hans o Jeff Namadan, Mahew Schmid, John Naman, Gerry Abbo, Bryan Payne, Melanie Marz, Ed Ruggerio and many ohers for maing his happen. Than you also o he members ha came o he exra meeing in December o es his ou and give feedbac.

Alhough i is only he beginning of February, we are already saring preparaions for 2010-2011. A club of 250 members needs many, many commied voluneers o eep i he mos acive and respeced camera club in he area. We currenly have approximaely 40 people (beween he board and oher voluneers) ha are giving selflessly of hemselves. NVPS could no exis wihou hem. Many have served irelessly for many years and are in need of a brea or reiremen. Many are behind he scenes and fore no in he spoligh (equipmen manager, websie manager, newsleer edior, ech eam, coffee maer, ec.). Please ae a momen a a meeing o han some of hese and oher board members and voluneers.

And now he challenge begins. We will be in need of many new voluneers nex year in vial and oher posiions. We will be needing a good mix of old and new blood in all areas – boh echnical and non-echnical. All you need is he desire o ge involved. Please email me or al o me a a meeing abou voluneering and wha you can and would lie o conribue. The bes way o enjoy he club is o ge involved.

Say warm and happy shooing.
Sandi Croan
Presiden NVPS
pashli “a” aol.com

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