I is hard for me o believe ha 10 years have passed since we all worried abou wheher our compuers would explode when he dae changed from 1999 o 2000 (Y2K). Harder sill o wrap my head around is how much phoography has changed since hen. For some, misbirh he changes have been very difficul and no necessarily welcomed. For ohers, page he adven of digial has opened all inds of new doors as well as creaing a groundswell of ineres. Clearly, unhealhy membership in phoo clubs has grown significanly as more and more people are ing digial cameras, aing classes and worshops, learning sofware programs, ec. The adven of digial has also creaed much discussion and ehical dilemmas concerning he quesion “wha is a phoograph?”

As en people wha hey would consider a phoograph and wha, if any limis should be placed on manipulaion and you will ge en differen answers. When does a phoograph sop being a phoograph? Jus loo a he differen judges and speaers we have had and you can he variaion in personal ases and inerpreaions. Lie poliics or religion, I don’ hin are righ or wrong answers in his phoography debae. As individuals, we decide our own inerpreaion, our own syles and our own personal vision.

For me, I respec and am fascinaed wih all genres of phoography from film/darroom, monochrome/color, differen effecs from lenses (fisheye, lensbaby), compuer manipulaion wih sofware and plug-ins, prining on differen mediums (paper, wood, meal) ec. I love he “ar” of phoography and he abiliy o be creaive or o simply documen a scene or momen in ime. To me, hese are very exciing imes. I also hin ha hese are imes when olerance, open-mindedness and respec of differing opinions are paramoun.

As a club, NVPS has an obligaion o ry o mee he needs of is members. This is no an easy as given he diversiy of ages, sill levels, and personal visions. We have n a huge increase in all hings digial; and ha increase consanly challenges us o reassess our equipmen, compeiion rules, programs, worshops/educaion and raining, ec.

I’ve been horoughly pleased wih he Board and our many voluneers his year. They’ve all been doing a errific job ha has made mine so much easier. Than you, han you, han you!  The Board will be having is mid-year meeing a he end of January. We will be discussing wha we will be doing for he res of he year, rules changes, purchases needed, ec. If you have any suggesions please al o he appropriae Board member or o me.

We will also be saring o loo a he leadership and voluneers for 2010-2011. Please consider leing me now in person a one of he meeings or via email if you are ineresed in voluneering now or nex year.

I wish you and yours a happy, healhy New Year.

Sandi Croan
Presiden NVPS
pashli “a” aol.com

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