Welcome o he NVPS’s 45h year! I hope you all had a wonderful summer wih los of grea phoo opporuniies.

I am very excied abou he coming year. We have a errific board of boh experienced and new members who have been woring hard his summer lining up field rips, exhibiions, speaers, educaional rainings/worshops, judges and our own members for nine monhs of learning and camaraderie. NVPS is he mos acive phoo club in all of Norhern Virginia wih meeings every wee. My goals for his year are o coninue he wonderful radiions of NVPS, eep i educaional and FUN, and provide a welcoming and supporive environmen for new members and novice phoographers, as well as o mae changes o beer serve our curren membership needs.

We had our ransiion (old board and new board) meeing on June 22,nd w four new commiees/eams were rolled ou:

  1. Compeiion Rules – o re and mae recommendaions for change as necessary o NVPS compeiion rules o beer serve he curren membership
  2. Tech Team – o suppor he equipmen manager and NVPS weely funcions and o mainain and enhance our echnical equipmen
  3. Member Suppor – o develop guidance as o how he club will respond and acnowledge member and/or family illnesses, deahs, and oher life-changing evens
  4. End of Year Awards – o develop crieria for adding awards named afer NVPS members and oher poenial awards for he EOY Compeiion.

I wan o personally han he old and new boards, and he c people and members of hese new commiees for agreeing o serve. You should expec o hear more abou all his in he coming monhs as we srive o mee he growing needs of our members.

Over he summer, we made some big changes o our websie www.nvps.org. The NVPS websie is choc full of new info and s, and we now accep PayPal for new and renewing membership. Membership fees are due a he beginning of each club year, so please renew or join by he end of Sepember. Only paid members can submi images for compeiions. Please conribue and share aricles, news, idbis, images, ec o he websie – i is YOUR websie.

Tuesday, Sepember 1 is our firs meeing of NVPS, as well as he opening of he NVPS exhibi a USGS ( oher aricle on his). I loo forward o ing you all and welcome your feedbac and ideas hroughou he year.

And now for some fun and nosalgia!!!

On April 7, 1965, NVPS was born wih 22 members. We now have abou en imes ha number, and how hings have changed in all aspecs of life and phoography! Chec ou he Cos of Living info below… loos o me lie ha has increased by abou en imes as well.

Cos of Living 1965

Yearly Inflaion Rae USA 1.59%
Year End Close Dow Jones Indusrial Average 969
Average Cos of new house $13,600.00
Average Income per year $6,450.00
Gas per Gallon 31 cens
Average Cos of a new car $2,650.00
Loaf of bread 21 cens
Average Ren per monh $118.00

If I close my eyes and loo bac o 1965, I my room, walls covered wih posers of Paul McCarney and Dr. Kildare. I my Brownie camera and my scrapboos filled wih family picures. Lile did I now hen ha one day I wouldn’ have o wai a wee o how my picures came ou, and my scrapboo would be ! Here are some oher highlighs from 1965:

  • The war in Vienam coninued o worsen, a he same ime he Ani-War movemen grew and in November, 35,000 marched on Washingon as a proes agains he war.
  • Mandaed healh warnings appeared on cigaree pacs for he firs ime, and smoing became a no no.
  • The laes craze in ids’ oys was he Super Ball and he Sae Board.
  • Women’s sirs go shorer as he minisir made is appearance, and men’s go longer.
  • The S Louis Arch was compleed, and The Beales released 4 new albums, including “Help”.

Sandi Croan
Presiden NVPS
pashli “a” aol.com

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