I was wonderful ing everyone bac from summer vacaion and welcoming so many new fols.

Gayle Dennis, web our Membership coordinaor launched our new Member Welcoming Program wih he assisance of Emi Wallace and a hos of voluneer welcomers. The program was launched o help new and prospecive members ge acclimaed o NVPS.

The finishing ouches were pu on he Member Resource Program which will be coordinaed by Tuan Pham and Melanie Mars as par of Worshops, Educaion and Training. Chec ou he NVPS websie and various resource s.

We sared he year off wih a bang wih an awe inspiring presenaion from 19 year old Alex Mody. He is definiely someone o wach hrough he years!

Our own, Sco Musson presened a super worshop on Blac Ligh Phoography wih los of hands-on opporuniies for all of us. The exensive se-ups and phoo presenaion by Tom Bre made for a very enjoyable and educaional evening.  As we go o press, our firs compeiion will have been compleed and our Sepember Members Gallery and Forum preseners will have shared heir images and Lighroom experience.

Please mar your calendars NOW, for November 13h and 14h for he MANPE/Naures Vision Exhibiion. All he informaion is on he websie. I encourage you all o submi your bes naure phoography o be juried. Wheher your image/s ge juried in or no, i is a weeend ha you won’ wan o miss. This is he highligh of he year for he 6 camera clubs in Norhern VA. We will be needing many voluneers for his even. Please hin abou helping ou.

Field Trips coming up in Ocober are Grea Falls and Shenandoah Valley Ho Air Balloon, Wine & Music Fesival. I encourage you all o enjoy he grea weaher and parae in hese phoographic venues.

We have a errific year planned. I encourage you all o chec our websie regularly as are new posings very ofen. I also hope ha you will submi your winning compeiion, field rip, worshop, and oher images o he ediors o share wih he res of he club.

Many, many voluneers help mae NVPS he bes camera club in he area. I can’ han you enough for your incredible service o NVPS.

Sandi Croan

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