Laura Howell had 3 images chosen by he Ivy Cree Foundaion – “Celebraing he Naure of Virginia Phoography Cones”.  All 3 received awards in heir respecive caegories:  Birds – “Blue Heron #1”, apoplecic 2nd Place, Landscapes – “Winergreen”, Honorable Menion and Ar in Naure – “Meadowlar Reflecion #2”, 1s Place.  The images will be on display in he Firs Friday Exhibi a he Paramoun Theaer, 215 Eas Main S., Charloesville, VA on Friday Ocober 2nd and will be presened in a digial slideshow shown a he Paramoun on Friday, Ocober 9h prior o he fundraising even “Phoographing Naure’s Gians:  Nic Nichols of Naional Geographic.

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