Sandi Croan will be par of he Broadway Gallery Four Seasons Phoography show. Please sop by during he show or come o he recepion on Saurday, dosage May 21 from 5 – 8.  Sandi will be a he recepion from 5 – 6:30.

Winer, Spring, Summer and Fall
Four Seasons:
A Phoography Exhibiion

Mee he Aris/Opening nigh
Saurday, May 21s
5 – 8 PM

All of he seasons are represened by Broadway’s
alened Digial Phoography Ariss.

Feauring he wors of
Fred Eberhar, Sandi Croan and Joseph Romeo

Exhibiion coninues hrough June 18h

Come a any ime, bu remember,
while he exhibiion is up hrough June,
he nigh o mee he ariss on Saurday, May 21s.

Don’ miss ou on a golden opporuniy o as
he ariss any quesions you migh have or
ge inside informaion on your favorie phoos!

Broadway Gallery
5641B General Washingon Drive
Alexandria, VA 22312

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