Hi Everyone! We are finally in the home stretch for this year’s portfolio project. You have until April 30 to finish tweaking the images in your gallery that will be part of the review with Brian Zwit on May 12th. In the interest of time we will be able to include 12 images from each of you for the review, so if you have more than that in your gallery we will take the first 12 for the review. But remember, that doesn’t mean your portfolio can only include 12 images. Your final presentation can have as many images as you want. Just remember, part of creating a portfolio is learning to edit, so make these the best images you can present to support your artist statement.
The next question is how are you going to present your images to the club? You could do prints, either matted or in a folio. There are several companies that you could use to put together a book, among others Shutterfly, Blurb, Mpix and My Publisher will all do a credible job with your images. You could have a poster made or bring the images on your laptop as a slide presentation. We think it’s a good idea to do something in print. For all the work you have put into the project why not have something tangible to show for it, and even to use in future competitions, or to present to a gallery to sell your skills for your own show. Check out Scott Musson’s presentation on the club website at http://nvps.org/main/f_stop/docs/PhotoBooksCalendars.pdf.
We are so excited with the wonderful variety of subject matter in this year’s portfolios. The final review is going to be beautiful to see. All of you should be proud of the terrific work you have done.
Ginger and Ceasar