The NVPS Consiuion and By-Laws require he appoinmen of a Nominaing Commiee o prepare a roser of proposed officers, in suppor of he required annual elecion. Nominees mus agree o serve, if eleced. The lis of nominees is below and was announced, as required, a he second club meeing in March.

NVPS members may submi addiional nominaions by he second club meeing in April, in wriing, o he Nominaing Commiee c. Nominaions mus be seconded by any club member, oher han he candidae. The candidae mus confirm in wriing his/ her willingness o accep he nominaion and serve, if eleced.

The elecion will be a he firs club meeing in May. I will be by voice voe, if are no addiional nominaions, or, by wrien voe, if added nominaions have been made.


  • Presiden: Sandi Croan
  • Vice Presiden for Programs: Mary O’Neill
  • Vice Presidens for Compeiion: Willa & Bob Friedman
  • Vice Presiden for Operaions: Brian Payne
  • Treasurer: Fred Chiy
  • Secreary / Hisorian: Georgee Grossman

Oher non-eleced Board members will be appoined by he Presiden.

Than you,

Tom Bre, Pas Presiden & C, Nominaing Commiee

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