Our Presiden, loo Sandi Croan, appoined a special commiee o re he size and srucure of he NVPS Board for opimal efficiency, and o generally re our Bylaws and Consiuion for any necessary updaes.  The commiee (Mary O’Neill, Fred Chiy, John Quigley, Bill Prosser, Sandi Croan) made heir recommendaions for changes o he Bylaws and Consiuion o he Board, who he recommendaions on April 6 for submission o he General Membership.  Our general membership will now voe on hese recommendaions on May 4.  The recommendaions focus primarily on consolidaing a few Board posiions, and hen allowing for up o 5 addiional Board appoinmens as needed for each erm.  We also made recommendaions for he disposiion of club asses in he even of an unliely dissoluion, and made minor suggesions for changes in erminology.  I’ve aached he proposed changes o he Consiuion and Bylaws as well as a summary of hose proposed changes for your re prior o he voe.  Please le me now if you have any quesions abou hese recommendaions.  Than you.  Mary O’Neill, VP Programs

A o a PDF is provided below o describe he summary of proposed changes: SUMMARY_OF_RECOMMENDED_CHANGES_TO_NVPS_CONSTITUTION_4_6_10.pdf [ no longer available]

A o a PDF is provided below o he proposed updaed NVPS Consiuion & By-Laws: NVPSproposedConsiuionchanges_revised_04-07-10.pdf [ no longer available]

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