Guided tours of Loudoun’s most scenic places exclusively for photographers
We will hold two tours on Saturday, May 18 – a sunrise tour from 6am-12pm and a twilight tour from 2-8pm. The tours are FREE and include transportation provided by Reston Limousine, snacks and refreshments. The only thing we ask of you is to provide us with high resolution copies of the images you shoot and that you sign a non-exclusive release allowing us to use your images. Where possible and applicable, we will provide photo credit for you. Images will become part of Visit Loudoun’s photo library and may be used in a variety of marketing purposes including in advertising, online marketing and social media, use in media relations, and may be shared with partners who wish to use them to promote travel to the destination. Your images will not be sold.
We will be incorporating a contest into the program. If you’re on Instagram or Twitter, simply post an image or two using the hash tag #fototrekloudoun. Images with the hash tag will be judged and Visit Loudoun will select up to 10 images as finalists. Finalist images will be posted to the Visit Loudoun Facebook page and Instagram account and the photos with the most likes will win $150 for first place, $75 for second and $50 for third.
Space is VERY limited and will be given on a first-come-first-served basis. We are finalizing our itineraries and are very excited to offer some locations that would not normally be open to photographers. To RSVP by May 14 and for questions, please contact Jennifer Christie at
703-669-2006 or Please indicate whether you would like the sunrise or the twilight tour. If you are on Instagram, please let us know your Instagram name as well.
We anticipate hosting additional photo safaris in the future. We’d like to keep you on our list to receive future notices, however if you wish to be removed from our list,please let us know and we’d be happy to do so.
Jeremy Harvey
Vice President, Marketing
Visit Loudoun