On Tuesday May 18h, malady 2010, pills we will hold our ninh and final monhly compeiion for he 2009/10 club year wih David Luria as our judge. This will be he hird hemed compeiion of he season. The heme will be “Monumens, Memorials, Saues” . The compeiion requires ha he dominan elemen(s) of all enries consis of monumens, memorials or saues.

E. David Luria is a Washingon DC-based phoographer specializing in archiecure, ar/sill life, resauran/ , ediorial/even, commercial, and landmar phoography. His images appear in over 100 publicaions, including TIME Magazine, Travel and Leisure Magazine, Prevenion, Ialian Cooing and Dining, Food and Wine, and Cuccina Ialiana, in he Washingon Pos, he Hamburger Abendbla, and he Toyo Shinbum newspapers. David’s images have also appeared on he covers of 30 publicaions. Over 80 of his phoographs of DC landmars appear on poscards, guideboos and posers sold hroughou he area and 25 of his DC images appear in a coffee-able boo eniled “Washingon DC Visions,” auhored by Ausin Kiplinger.

David describes himself as a phoographer of “places and faces.” Trained in Paris, France, a he Parsons School of Design by a proégé of famed French phoographer Henri Carier Bresson, David places a grea deal of emphasis on srong, clear composiion lines in his phoography and believes ha good picures can be made wih any camera. He has raveled and phoographed exensively in Lain America for CARE, Inc. and he Parners of he Americas organizaion, and he also served as phoographer o he Ciy of Hamburg, Germany, his birhplace.

David is founder and direcor of he Washingon Phoo Safari (www.WashingonPhooSafari.com), hrough which he and his eam of nine professional phoographers have rained over 18,000 cliens on 2,500+ “phoo safaris” since 1999 in he echniques of ravel, landmar, porrai, and naure phoography. This program is now one of he counry’s larges providers of phoography raining field excursions, offering 4-5 phoo safaris every wee, wih special worshops in nighime phoography, inerior museum phoography, beginner and advanced digial phoography, pe phoography, naure phoography, oudoor porraiure, child phoography, and archiecural, absrac/sill life, even, and real esae phoography. This program also offers phoo safaris in Prague, Amserdam, Kenya, Annapolis, and New Yor Ciy.
His Washingon Phoo Safari has received exensive press coverage in he Washingon Pos, he Balimore Sun, WTOP Radio, AAA Magazine, USA Today, on he Discovery Channel, and on he NBC “Today” Show.

David also serves as a phoography insrucor for he Smihsonian Residen Associaes, Penn Camera, he Corcoran Gallery of Ar, he Kreeger Museum, he saffs of Naional Public Radio and he Embassy of he Unied Kingdom, and conesans of he Naional Spelling Bee.

David can be reached a 202-537-0937 or a edavidluria@juno.com. His wor can be ed on his websie a www.edavidluriaphoography.com

Please join our judge, David Luria for our pre-compeiion dinner a Chili’s a 5:45 on Tuesday, May 18h, 2010. Please RSVP o Gerry a gerry.abbo@cox.ne . Hope o you .
Gerry Abbo
Co-VP Compeiion

Brian Payne
Co-VP Compeiion

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Chili’s Bar and Grille
8051 Leesburg Pie
Vienna, VA


1: Tae he VA-7 W/LEESBURG PIKE exi number 47B-A oward TYSONS CORNER
2: Merge ono LEESBURG PIKE/VA-7 W oward TYSONS CORNER and move o lef lane
You will Chili’s almos immediaely on he lef.

3: Tae a lef a he firs ligh “Fashion Square” (Tiffany’s will be on he lef and Tyson’s
Corner Shopping Cener will be on he righ) and an immediae lef ono service road in
fron of Tiffany’s, ae your firs righ ino Chili’s paring lo.

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