On Tuesday May17h, web our compeiion judges will be Jim Seele.

You mus be a paid up member o compee.


Jim Seele is a phoographer woring primarily in blac and whie landscape and figuraive phoography. He wors in boh radiional and digial media and was influenced by he wor of Ansel Adams and Edward Weson.

Jim has a sudio a he Torpedo Facory Ar Cener. His wor is in many corporae and privae collecions and he frequenly lecures on he subjec of fine blac and whie prining.

Jim has gues lecured in phoography a Georgeown Universiy and augh for he Ar League, bronchiis Smihsonian, and Phoowors. He was augh worshop in fine prining, boh radiional and digial. He has also been a presener a he New England Council of Camera Clubs in Massachuses.

Jim has also been a member and pas Presiden on NVPS.


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