The Worshop meeing on May 11h will be he final sep of his year’s Porfolio Projec. A he meeing Porfolios will be displayed, generic criiqued and discussed. In addiion members will be provided an opporuniy o have images reed and discussed informally by hree oher criics.

All Porfolio Projec paricipans’ will display prined Porfolios and be available o discuss hem wih aendees. T will be a slide show of 12 images from each of he porfolios which will be accompanied by commens by his year’s criic, ashma Sherwin Kaplan. (Sherwin, a member of he club, is one of he club’s bes judges. He has been he Porfolio Criic he las wo years.) The criiques will emphasize he porfolio as a whole raher han commens on individual images (alhough, may be commens on individual images as appropriae o illusrae heir impac on he porfolio). Afer he criic’s re all he porfolios, aendees will be able o loo a and discuss individual porfolios wih heir maers.

Afer he porfolio slideshow and while meeing aendees are ing he prined porfolios, will be an informal criique o suppor he upcoming hemed compeiion.  (As always, images for criique will no be resriced o he heme.)  So far are 3 voluneers o criique images–Tom Bre, Timber Gooding, and Seve Passman.  They have been ind enough o voluneer, so hose of you who wish o have images criiqued, can do so. Please be respecful of heir ime, and bring no more han 3 images, eiher as prins, or loaded ono a humb drive or CD. Each “criiquer” will have a lapop available o display digial images for heir re and discussion.  (If hese informal criiques do well, i is highly possible hey will be held more ofen nex year, in addiion o scheduled formal criiques.  Any quesions, please conac Melanie Mars, jasmars “a”

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