On March 30h we’ll have presenaion ha will benefi boh Porfolio Projec Paricipans and members in general. Sco Musson will presen a discussion and re of opions for creaing phoo boos and calendars using commercial and local vendors. He’ll discuss how o ge he bes resuls possible when creaing a porfolio or collecion of images wih an service and some personal experiences. Several oher members will also share heir experiences and will display heir wor for you o .
Also Sherwin Kaplan will be speaing abou wha maes a good aris saemen and commen on how he will criique he porfolio projec. Sherwin has criiqued all of he Porfolio Projecs and has provided wonderful commens and insigh ino everyone’s porfolio. We’re very pleased ha he’ll be providing he criique again his year.
Addiionally Sco will discuss he logisics of geing ready for submiing porfolios for he porfolio projec
If you’ve always waned o creae a phoo boo or calendar of your images, paien his is an opporuniy o learn more abou i.
The aached PDF includes a porion of he presenaion from Sco Musson on Phoo Boos and Calendars presened on 3/30/2010. Clic for he PDF.