The normal 2nd Tuesday of he monh will be dedicaed o he Porfolio Projec criique so he Worshop will be on he 5h Tuesday his monh. Join us for a “hands-on” worshop on able op macro and close-up phoography presened by John Naman.

John is a reired reer, oolaryngologis fine echnical phoographer and excels a maing he complex science of phoography simple. He has a PhD and has augh a Carnegie Mellon Universiy and he Universiy of Maryland. Those experiences have given him he abiliy o creae examples ha horoughly demonsrae he conceps ha he is eaching, in easy o undersand seps ha can be followed again and again unil hey become second naure.

John believes in aing simple approaches o mingly complicaed projecs. He is an avid Do-I-Yourself phoographer and will demonsrae able-op echniques including convering a couple of shees of copier paper ino a ligh en for use wih coninuous lighs or flashes. His echniques provide ha beauiful wrap around lighing and a seamless bacground ha are commonly used in produc phoography.

Bring your cameras, close-up or macro lenses and ripods. Bring a coin or small objec if you wan o pracice on somehing ha you have already had rouble wih, or jus wan o shoo. We will have experienced phoographers manning saions for aing phoographs of some miniaures and small iems.

Quesions can be direced o Mahew Schmid a mgs “a”

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