Tana has thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to explore and photograph what she calls “local” places. She feels there are many amazing national and state parks, formal gardens, museums, architecture, and interesting neighborhoods and towns nearby. One really does not need to travel far to experience  places to photograph, and since neither she nor her husband are great travelers, they feel fortunate to live in an area of the country that one does not have to go far to seen new and interesting sites.  Tana feels that NVPS members will recognize the locations in her slide show and hopes that what she has captured represents these sites through interesting and appealing photographs.


Tana Ebbole, an Arlington based photographer, seeks interesting flowers, landscapes, and scenes to photograph, finding that the solitude and peace of being outside in nature or working in her ad hoc studio help her to achieve total focus and a place of calm and peacefulness. She has been selected in several juried competitions, and is a member of NVPS and the Art League’s Gallery 75.

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