March Members Gallery will feature Yulan Guo with Prints and Kip Holdridge with Digital

Members Gallery will be followed by the March Forum presentation


Yulan GuoYulan_8247_goose5

Yulan attributes her interest in photography to her father, who she thought was the family photographer. At a young age, she went with him to the “darkroom” at his office and saw him developing images. She was fascinated to see her face appearing from chemicals. When she was 8 years old, she received a gift of German made “toy camera” from her aunt. She had a lot of fun playing with it and taking many snapshots of her sister and friends during the years of growing up. She learned darkroom film and photo processing at her middle school photo lab.

In 1986, Yulan left China to pursue graduate studies at the George Washington University in the United States. She bought herself a film camera and sent home many snapshots of her life in the States. In 2002 she got her first digital camera and in the following years she use it to capture local business images for a website company and she also used it when leading travel groups to China and Japan. In July 2007 Yulan bought herself the first DSLR camera, Nikon D80,
then D700 in 2010 and D800 in 2012 as she becomes more and more passionate and serious about photography.

Yulan connects with nature photography as she enjoys being with nature. She loves people and travel photography as well as fine art photography. Yulan joined NVPS and Loudoun Photo Club in September 2008 and has been a member for both clubs since then. She feels the delightful photography has enriched her life and enlarged her circle of friends. She appreciates this gift and embraces the joy it brings wholeheartedly.

Yulan will be exhibiting prints and portfolios that she has done in the past few years. Some of the prints have won clubs and Nature Visions recognitions and some are her favorites from field trips, such as the China Photo Tour co-lead with Corey in 2010.


Kip Holdridge - MonumentKip Holdridge: Nature v. Man-made

Growing up and learning photography in rural Northwest Colorado, Kip’s favorite photography subjects are grand landscapes and wildlife. For years he would not take a picture of anything but a mountain or an animal. The move to the Washington, DC, area was tough photographically for Kip, as grand landscapes and wildlife are in much shorter supply. To cope, Kip began branching out and photographing churches, abandoned buildings, and other man-made objects. Although he still considers himself a nature photographer, Kip finds himself spending more and more time exploring abandoned object, still life, and architecture photography.

Kip’s presentation will showcase the two sides of his photography: landscape and wildlife – his favorite subjects to shoot; and abandoned buildings, churches, and still life – his favorite images to process.

Kip Holdridge - BearKip Holdridge learned “the basics” of photography at a young age. At 6 years old, his mother taught him the mechanics of using an SLR camera and the rules of composition. After a childhood behind the lens, Kip and photography slowly grew apart as after school activities took up more of his time. After finishing college and starting a career, he found his way back to photography with a little nudging from his mother. He purchased his first DSLR in early 2008 and joined NVPS in the spring of 2009. Kip was the recipient of the NVPS “Photographer of the Year” and “Image of the Year” awards in the Novice Unrestricted Digitally Projected Images category for the 2010-2011 competition year and has since graduated to the advanced class.

Kip’s photography can be seen online at


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