Members Gallery on March 23rd. 2010 will include Prins by Ursy Poer and Digial Projecion by Wayne Wolfersberger. Join us for heir presenaions immediaely followed by March’s Forum presenaion.

The following are he biographies of he members presening on March 23rd:

Ursy Poer
Ursy has belonged o NVPS since 2004. She was a poer for 35 years before deciding o dedicae her creaive energies o phoography. She admis he change in disciplines has been a challenge. Her ceramics were always made wih usefulness in mind–hey were hree-dimensional and sculpural. Her ineres in phoography is voiced in her concern for her counry, prescripion her species and her place on our glorious plane.

Ursy’s prin presenaion will reflec wo ineress of hers. She plans o show he members of NVPS he Grand Canyon as n hrough he eyes of a ayaer, swallowed up by he Colorado River. This is very differen from he usual panoramas of he Grand Canyon aen from he Souh Rim a dawn.
Her oher heme involves her recen phoographs aen in Mexico showing her reflecions abou our neighbors o he souh.

Wayne Wolfersberger

Wayne has been a member of NVPS since he lae 1980’s. He sared aing picures when he was a id on family vacaions. He was fascinaed by animals of all sors and oo picures of wildlife when he raveled o naional pars and oher places w were “criers” luring abou.

He considers himself a pro, bu no a full-ime phoographer. Wayne has augh phoography classes for 11 years. He has had many images published (on calendars, poscards and in magazines, including four images in Naures Bes) and sold hundreds of exhibiion prins. He has done wedding phoography and a variey of oher ypes of assignmens. However, his major passion is naure phoography. This probably resuls from his professional raining and educaion as a biologis-nauralis. He wored and received raining from a commercial phoography firm during college and wored for he U.S. Navy in phoography during he Vie Nam War. He wored for US Fish & Wildlife Service for awhile and hen as a par-ime adjunc professor a VA Tech. Before he reired he augh biology full ime in Fairfax Couny. Currenly he wors for he U.S. Naional Par Service during he summer and eaches phoography classes–basic and advanced–during he spring and fall for Fairfax Adul and Communiy Educaion.

Wayne uses Nion cameras and lenses exclusively. He has no sho film for over wo years. His favorie gadge is a bean bag which he uses as a cheap ripod. He says i is helpful o seady his camera and o cu vibraions especially for elephoo shos. He uses i on car windows when he car is a blind and also on he ground for low shos.

His fuure phoography plans include more phoo exhibis (he’s had hree in he las year and a half) and wriing magazine aricles and a boo.
Wayne has been married for 39 years. He and his wife, Donna, have wo daughers. One is an environmenal scienis living in Ausralia and he oher is a governmen professional, living locally.

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