North Bethesda Camera Club presents an annual Photo Essay Show.  We have been doing these shows for 30 years.  This year the show will be on Sunday, March 13th, at 3-5 pm, in a large auditorium at Asbury Methodist Village in Gaithersburg, MD.
As always, we invite members of local camera clubs, and we would be honored if members of NVPS attended the event.
Briefly, the show consists of approximately 20 juried photo essays.  Each essay is approximately 4-5 minutes long, and consists of photos, video clips, and appropriate music.  We always seek to have a wide variety of essays, in terms of themes and styles.  Some joint members of NVPS and NBCC have essays in this year’s show — e.g., Tom (Sully) Sullivan.
All the details about the show are in the attached brochure.  Information about the production of the show is on our website at:
Please notify your members about NBCC’s Photo Essay 2016, and we hope you and other members of NVPS are able to attend.
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