Peter Manzelli


Peter Manzelli began his obsession with art at an early age. But before turning an eye toward the visual arts, he was proficient in the performing arts. Drafting in High School was for him an extension of coloring books and a natural talent that led to a study of architecture, and a source of income in the summer months.

In college, he traded the drafting board for an easel. When money ran out, he enlisted in the Navy as an Illustrator/Draftsman. At the end of four years, that experience was enough to start a 31 year career with the Federal Government as a Visual Information Specialist. The transition from the analog to digital came at the perfect time. And the final six years of that career included work as a photographer and photojournalist.

He has had several shows over the years and judges occasionally. When asked what he looks for in a photograph he says, “I look for thought and the truth. A camera can take a picture, an individual makes a picture.”

For the past five years, he has shelved his camera after discovering the electric bass; an instrument he feels he was meant to play. Going full circle, he is currently starting two Rock bands (one for fun and one serious) and is literally “Waiting On the Stage.”


The theme for the March competition is “Drag the Shutter”. To further clarify the definition, we will allow any photo which shows any movement due to a slow shutter speed, with or without flash, including photos of moving objects taken without moving the camera or lens, such as waterfalls. Please contact if you have further questions.

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