As our 2023–2024 club year comes to a close, I believe we have experienced a fulfilling and transformative year.

Thank you to Ginger Werz–Patricka for her wonderful leadership as we returned to more in–person meetings and club activities. I would also like to thank our amazing team of volunteers—the elected and appointed board members, and everyone who created and supported opportunities for our learning and growth. All of our activities, from our stellar field trip offerings, image reviews, and many who work their magic behind the scenes, are efforts of our volunteers.

It is truly an honor for me to serve as your president for the 2024–2025 club year. I believe this next year holds much excitement as we further solidify how we engage as a photographic society moving forward.

While we met exclusively in–person prior to the pandemic, we now recognize the benefits of having a mixture of in person and online meetings. This mixture enriches our learning and engagement both individually and together as a community of photographers. I also believe this blend of in–person and online engagement best meets our club’s purpose: To share knowledge and skills, to enhance creativity, and to build a community of enthusiastic photographers. Our dual form of engagement provides opportunities for everyone’s preferences and participation.

Looking forward to our next club year we anticipate continuing in a similar format to this year.

The first Tuesday of the month would continue with Programs virtually on Zoom. The second Tuesday of the month would be in person at the Dunn Loring Firehouse with Education and Training. Our third Tuesday meeting would be Competitions, similar to this past year, with a small number in person with digital and prints, and the remainder digital online. Our fourth Tuesdays would be in person at the Firehouse with Members Gallery and Forum. Those bonus fifth Tuesdays would also be in person at Dunn Loring Firehouse.

Most of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you, our members, who make NVPS a stellar club. I would also ask you to think about what and how you would like to contribute to your club in our upcoming year. Would you like to be involved in some of our volunteer activities? We can all benefit from sharing our talents and skills with each other, and we invite you to be part of the inspiration for NVPS.

I hope you have a summer filled with making photos and memories, and look forward to seeing everyone in September!

Deb Rose President 2024–2025

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