I’m certain every incoming president of NVPS feels the way I do, I have a very tough act to follow. Thank you for your wonderful leadership, Ron Taylor! Given the additional challenges brought on by Covid-19, the club met its mission and did not miss a beat during the entire 2020-2021 club year. I know with the fantastic Board we have in place for 2021-2022, both nominated and appointed, and with members like you, we will have another successful year!
The biggest question on everyone’s mind is how is NVPS going to operate in 2021-2022. Much planning is already underway, such as inviting speakers and judges. It was announced on May 9th we anticipate beginning the club year meeting by Zoom. There are numerous factors for the NVPS Board to consider before we will be able to resume meeting at the firehouse. We anticipate transitioning from meeting via Zoom to meeting in person by following the guidance from the CDC, state restrictions, our medical advisors, Stan Bysshe and Lynn Cates, and from the Board and our members. Knowing the factors are changing with updated guidance, there is no set date for making the decision, but our approach will be conservative, with personal safety being the most important consideration.
Furthermore, we anticipate the rules for competition will be communicated to the membership prior to the beginning of the 2021-2022 club year and whatever rules we start with, they will be followed for the entire club year. We also anticipate submissions for competition may be up to 3 years old from the date of competition (except for Oldies when there is no limit), and Members Gallery will be all digital for the entire club year.
Now that I’ve gotten the important business out of the way, it’s time for something lighter. Summer is about having fun and what better way is there than getting out and about doing photography! There are many local venues in the DC metro area and with the lifting of some Covid restrictions, we can anticipate more events and festivals will be held of interest to photographers. Our 2020-2021 Field Trip Coordinators, Tammy Tideswell and Steve Glintz, have organized one last event under their watch. On Saturday, June 12th, from 3:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. they have arranged for club members to meet at Shenandoah National Park. (June 13th in case of rain.) Details are available on the NVPS website. Other club field trips this summer will be announced in the near future.
If I don’t see you before, have a fantastic summer and I look forward to seeing you Tuesday, September 7th as we kick off the new year!
Judy Graham
NVPS President