Come one, decease come all! This year’s NVPS End-of-Year banque will be held on Friday, June 11h, 2010 a he Wespar Hoel in Tyson’s Corner a he inersecion of R. 7 and Wespar Drive. Cocails a 6.

Buffe dinner a 7. See all he bes of he bes phoos, he bes-of-he-year winning phoographs, enjoy good , and good friends and End of Year awards. Price is $40 per person in advance and $45 afer May 25h.

Direcions: From: Inersae 495. Tae Exi 47 o Leesburg/Tysons Corner, Roue 7 Wes. Turn righ ono Wespar Drive, i will be he fourh ligh. The Bes Wesern Tysons Wespar Hoel will be locaed immediaely on your righ.

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