The “official” NVPS trip to the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens will be July 28, the weekend following the park’s Lotus and Water Lily festival. The festival is much later in July than prior years, and many club members have already been to the park and posted wonderful images on the club facebook page — keep it up.
We’ll meet in the part at 8:00 when it officially opens. Generally the staff allow visitors to enter earlier, however, with the gates opening by 7:00 (or earlier). Getting there earlier is advisable, particularly given the heat and bugs that are part of a Washington summer. (Dennis Govoni posted an interesting notice about a recently available repellant called picaridin that is as effective as DEET but less dangerous to camera equipment.) A food-related follow-up will depend on numbers and interests.
Send any photos taken this year at Kenilworth to field-trips “at” for posting once the club year begins in September.
Coming up — Longworth Gardens in August?
Enjoy the summer!