The fourh Tuesday of January will be dedicaed o he Porfolio Projec. (For anyone unfamiliar wih his club aciviy, please hp:// During he normal Members Gallery digial slide secion we will presen pas digial porfolios by Sco Musson, Bill Prosser, for sale and Paul Simmons. They will discuss lessons learned in preparing heir porfolios and Aris Saemens. The Members Gallery prined secion will provide you wih a chance o loo a a number of porfolios prepared over he las hree years. The porfolios on display will exhibi a number of differen modes of prined presenaion syles.

The Forum session will include presenaions by Sherwin Kaplan and Sco Musson. Sherwin judged/criiqued all he porfolios over he las hree years. He will discuss his insighs abou wha goes ino a good Aris Saemen and Porfolio. He also will al abou how he “judges” a single porfolio image and an enire porfolio. Sco will give a brief digial slide show and discuss his re on various means o prepare and presen a prined porfolio.

Sco Musson, Bill Prosser, Paul Simmons

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