Jay has been shooting since the age of 10. He credits his dad’s darkroom and an active, award winning high school journalism program for benefiting his photography skills at a young age. Though Jay has never stopped shooting, his passion for photography was reignited during an extended period of time he spent living and traveling through Europe along with the arrival of digital photography. During his time in Europe, Jay was a member of England’s Bracknell Photo Club and The Royal Photographic Society where he earned the photographic distinction of “Licentiateship of the Royal Photographic Society.”

Upon moving back to Vienna, VA in 2010, Jay joined NVPS. He enjoys dabbling in multiple photographic genres and competition nights at NVPS, yet his favorite photographic activity is giving people pictures of themselves doing the things they love to do. While it is mostly the case that photographers should seek to please themselves, Jay finds it far more exciting and fulfilling when others are pleased by his images.

Forum Presentation: “Capturing the Moment”
Social Photography is a visual capture of the history and meaning of an event (parties, reunions, service projects, conferences, ceremonies, amateur sports, performances, etc.). It is a utilitarian form of record keeping and a highly creative genre enabling the viewer to know and remember who was there, what they did and experienced and how it made them feel. It is an exciting and fulfilling form of journalistic photography that requires very different skills from the tripod based to the painstakingly stalked or staged subjects.

Jay’s presentation will provide practical ideas and examples of technique, aesthetics and equipment. It will also include flash diffusion, subject rapport, processing and distribution. Jay thinks you will enjoy seeing a selection of images very different from normal club fare.

Link to Jay’s presentation:

January’s Forum will be preceded by Members Gallery

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