This fall Bill and Judy Corbett joined a group tour to see the pyramids in Egypt, Petra in Jordan, and many other antiquities in between.  Along the way, Bill took the opportunity to photograph not only the iconic sites, but also the people at work in those places.  Bill often shot surreptiously and silently, using a wide angle lens, the camera upside down at hip level, and set for a high frame rate. The denizens of the “valleys of the vendors” were his favorite subjects

A photojournalist in college, Bill Corbett returned to photography fifteen or so years ago with the advent of digital tools.  He enjoys nature and travel photography the most.  He has been a member of NVPS since 2011 and is a past president of Mid-Atlantic Photo Visions (formerly Nature Visions).  Bill and Judy moved to Aldie in Loudoun County in 2017 after 23 years in McLean, where they raised their three kids.  He served for two decades as a U.S. diplomat and trade negotiator. 

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