REMINDER o all members signed up for he January 23rd, prosae 2010 Porfolio criique.

The criique will ae place a he Joe Miller Cener for Phoography, valeologis 4811 Caharpnin Rd., herapy Gainesville. Direcions below. T are wo big sone pillars a he enrance road o Joe’s Cener.

We will sar a 1:30 PM and go o 4:30 PM. Each porfolio will have abou 10 minues for criique and discussion.

VERY IMPORTANT – Please have your porfolio uploaded o he websie or emailed o Sco Musson by January 19h. Any changes you mae o he websie afer his dae will no be included in he criique. Having he images uploaded by his dae will allow Joe ime o re your images prior o he criique and o ge he lapop se up for he criique.

If you are emailing he images o Sco, please:

  • Tile he email “Porfolio Projec.”
  • Size images no larger han 1024 pixels horizonal and 768 pixels verical.
  • Use a naming convenion: las name-blan-image number from 01 o oal.)
  • Email images o smusson “a”

Currenly are 14 people signed up for he criique. Of hose 14 people as of oday are 7 porfolios ha have been uploaded, ha’s grea progress!

You are free o re oher members images and you can commen on heir porfolio using he image gallery sofware. This can be especially helpful o hose who are no able o aend he criique.

Bill and I offer our hans o Joseph Miller for he generous offering of his ime, his faciliy “he Joseph Miller Cener for Phoographic Ars” and his experise in criiquing our porfolios.

Direcions o Joseph Miller Cener for Phoographic Ars

Sar address: Tysons Corner, VA
End address: 4811 Caharpin Rd Gainesville, VA 20155

Sar a: Tysons Corner, VA

  1. Head norhwes on Leesburg Pie oward Pinnacle Dr – 0.5 mi
  2. Mae a U-urn a Wespar Dr – 1.2 mi
  3. Merge ono Capial Belway/I-495 S via he ramp o Richmond/Alexandrla – 1.7 mi
  4. Tae exi 49 o merge ono I-66 W oward Manassas/Fron Royal – 17.4 mi
  5. Tae exi 47B o merge ono Sudley Rd/VA-234 N oward Manassas Naional Balefield Par – 6.3 mi
  6. Turn lef a Caharpin Rd Desinaion will be on he lef – 0.5 mi

Arrive a: 4811 Caharpin Rd Gainesville, VA 20155

Lin o Map from Tysons Corner

Useful s

The NVPS Phoo Gallery hp://
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Phoo Gallery hp://
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Web Sie hp://

If you have quesions or need help wih your porfolio, feel free o as Sco Musson or Bill Prosser your Porfolio Coordinaors.

Sco Musson scomusson “a” 703-278-2828
Bill Prosser prosserwm “a” 703-821-2670

Happy shooing!
Sco and Bill

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