To all Porfolio Paricipans paricipaing in he 01/23/2010 Criique:
The Porfolio Criique will be held a he Joseph Miller Cener for he Phoographic Ars a 4811 Caharpin Road, dis Gainesville. (We will send ou a reminder and direcions nearer o he criique dae.) We will plan o sar a 1:30 PM and finish around 4:30 PM. We plan o:
- Over he projec and remaining calendar.
- Discuss each and all porfolios aen in he
- Have a shor brea.
We anicipae he following for each porfolio criique:
- We will show and as he Aris o read or paraphrase heir Aris Saemen
- Show each porfolio image (abou 5 sec. each)
- Display he enire porfolio on one screen o faciliae discussion of overall porfolio.
- Joe will commen on conce of porfolio and adnce o he Aris Saemen
- He will hen discuss he 2-4 images he hins are he sronges, side effecs discuss he images he believes are he weaes, and explain why.
- The maer-aris will be given ime o as quesions abou porfolio and Joe’s commens.
- Afer all porfolios are individually reed, we will open up for a general conversaion abou porfolio projec.
- Qui a 4:30 PM
Currenly are 12 people signed up o paricipae. Given abou 2.5 hours for criiquing his means each paricipan will receive a leas 10 – 15 minues of feedbac. (This number of people and duraion for each person’s criique is approximae and may change by January 23.) During your ime, if you wish, you may as Joe and/or he audience quesions abou your porfolio or specific images; so you migh give some hough beforehand wha quesions abou your porfolio you have.
Please upload your images o he websie in your porfolio folder, hese will be he images used in he criique. Alernaely you can email Sco Musson your porfolio images no laer han January 19 o Sco Musson scomusson “a” Please ry o have your images uploaded o he web sie by Jan 19h, his will allow Joe ime o re your porfolio and in urn you’ll benefi from Joe having ime o re your porfolio ahead of ime. Also i will allow for re by ohers before he criique. Limi he draf se for he criique o beween abou 12 and 18 images. If you would lie o have a few more han 18 images , please conac us firs before submiing hem. The digial se should follow his procedure:
- Tile he email “Porfolio Projec.”
- Size images no larger han 1024 pixels horizonal and 768 pixels verical.
- Use a naming proocol: las name-blan-image number from 01 o oal.)
Noe: If you haven’ requesed access o he Porfolio Gallery on he NVPS websie, please refer o November 08, 2009 Porfolio Projec under he heading Geing access o he NVPS Porfolio Phoo Gallery.
To refresh your memory abou he projec and he remaining schedule, please consul: hp://
If you have any quesions abou he January 23rd criique, please conac Bill Prosser (prosserwm “a” or Sco Musson (smusson “a”
Bill and I offer our hans o Joseph Miller for he generous offering of his ime, his faciliy “he Joseph Miller Cener for Phoographic Ars” and his experise in criiquing our porfolios.
Geing access o he NVPS Porfolio Phoo Gallery
To ge access o he NVPS Porfolio Gallery send your NVPS Gallery user id o Sco Musson smusson “a” (I don’ need your password). When you do, I’ll give you access o he oher porfolios and creae a place for your porfolio o be uploaded. I’ll also provide you righs o commen on ohers porfolios and send you insrucions on how o upload images o your new folder.
If you don’ have a user id, i’s very simple o regiser, jus go o hp:// and “Regiser”.
If you need help in any way, jus le me now. I would also be happy o upload your images for you, jus email hem o me and name hem including a number so I now wha you would lie hem o appear.
Your firs image in your gallery should be your aris saemen, jus pase he ex of your aris saemen ino an empy image. This is very imporan since people will be criiquing your porfolio based on your aris saemen. This is one of he reasons why i’s imporan o develop your aris saemen firs.
Remember you can send your aris saemen o Bill or Sco for feed bac if you lie.
Useful s
The NVPS Phoo Gallery hp://
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Phoo Gallery hp://
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Web Sie hp://
If you have quesions or need help wih your porfolio, feel free o as Sco Musson or Bill Prosser your Porfolio Coordinaors.
Sco Musson scomusson “a” 703-278-2828
Bill Prosser prosserwm “a” 703-821-2670
Happy shooing!
Sco and Bill