Some Nature, Travel & Sports Photos and Tips with Bill Corbett
A photographer of student life and sports for his college yearbook in the late seventies, but thereafter without a darkroom or free film, Bill Corbett resumed his photography education in 2006, thanks to the gift of a D70 from his wife, Judy.  Among other exercises to regain his lost skills, Bill assigned himself to photograph his three kids’ ballgames and shared the best images online with the team’s players and parents.
Competitions at NVPS, the McLean Photo Club, Nature Visions and elsewhere have provided Bill more useful feedback, and spurred him to keep learning. He was also very lucky to find a friend and mentor in the late Bill Prosser, who is sorely missed.
In his talk, Bill will share a few of the best of his nature, travel and sports photos, along with the more useful lessons he’s learned.  Bill’s presentation will draw in particular on lessons learned from his bird photography that can be applied more generally.
Bill served for two decades as a U.S. diplomat and trade negotiator.  He is fortunate enough to spend most of his time since as a parent, a community volunteer and an amateur photographer.  Bill is a past president of the Nature Visions Photo Expo.  He is currently its board secretary and a co-manager of its student competition.  He also co-managed the Portfolio Project for NVPS last year, and has participated annually since 2013.  This past summer he and his wife, Judy, moved to Aldie in Loudoun County.   
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