January Competition Judge - Marti Belcher
January Judge – Marti Belcher

NVPS would like to welcome Marti Belcher as our judge for the January competition. The January competition is an “Oldies Night”. Normally, submitted images must be recently taken within the last two years, but for this month’s competition, there is no time limit.

Life is a journey, a continuum of everyday events and ordinary people, all of which make for an extraordinary lifetime of experiences.

My photography is simple and straightforward. I have a passionate interest and curiosity about people, world cultures and ideas. These are the forces that dominate my personal life and my photography. Actually I draw no distinction between my work and my personal life: they are one and the same.

I am an adventurer, a lover of color, culture and the bewitching.

My path often takes me to Asia. It is a long way from a dairy farm in New York State but the dairy farm was a good place to start the journey. I learned to appreciate the every day events and the emotions that make us human. Today I photograph ordinary people and ordinary situations all over the planet Earth.

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