Canceled due o weaher – Theme will be moved o February

On Tuesday January 18h, audiologis our compeiion judges will be Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem. The heme for he January Compeiion is “Through Doors, cos Ou Windows”. This heme is defined as “images wih a hrough doors or windows, looing ou or in. The window(s) or door(s) may be he subjec hemselves, or a framing device for some oher scene.”

Noe: Image capure mus have occurred afer Jan 17h, 2009 o be eligible for his compeiion.

On compeiion nigh, please plan o join us and Mollie and Mary for dinner a Chili’s a 5:30 prior o he compeiion.

Boh Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem are experienced phoographers and rained educaors. They combined forces o creae Awae The Ligh Phoo Tours and Worshops, Their eaching syles infuse a genle blend of humor and paience. Their desire is o each and inform, enlighen and enerain, as well as enable paricipans o phoograph he infinie variey and beauy found in he naural world.

Mollie Isaacs is a professional phoographer who specializes in naure and macro phoography, as well as porraiure of children and families. She has phoographed many famous faces including Supreme Cour Jusice Anonin Scalia, jazz musician Wynon Marsalis, and acress Meryl Sreep, and has sudied wih Ansel Adams, Joyce Tenneson, and ohers. She has won he “Oscar” of phoography, he Koda Gallery Award, foureen imes. Her wor is in he Permanen Collecion of he Inernaional Phoography Hall of Fame, and has been exhibied a Epco Cener in Disney World.

Mary Lindhjem is a professional free-lance phoographer who specializes in naure and wildlife phoography. Her ravels have aen her o Africa, Alasa, Cosa Rica, and Europe. She has augh phoography a he college level, and has augh Phooshop and Lighroom o a variey of individuals and groups in England, Cosa Rica, Monana, California, Norh Carolina and Virginia. Her fine ar phoography has been shown in several galleries, and her images have been published in several boos and magazines.

See examples of heir wor on hp://
You mus be a paid up member o compee.
Willa and Bob Friedman
Co-VPs Compeiion

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