Georgette Grossman (Prints)

Georgette Grossman

Georgette’s journey in photography began 10 years ago when her granddaughter, Ava, was born. Not capturing the cute smiles she wanted, she switched from a point’n shoot to a DSLR (Nikon D80). She attended her first Nature Visions show at Meadowlark in 2007 and discovered there were camera clubs in the area! She joined NVPS in January 2008 and was hooked on photography as a hobby. She was the president of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society (NVPS) from 2014 to 2015.

Georgette advanced her photography skills by taking hands-on classes. Some of her instructors included John Gonsalves, Eliot Cohen, Corey Hilz, Nikhil Bahr, Josh Taylor, Mike Moats, and Denise Silva. By attending NVPS lectures, workshops, and field trips she believes her photography has evolved to a higher level. Participation in competition has helped to give her a critical eye when capturing and post-processing her images. She reads online columns daily to keep “up to date” on new camera equipment and software tips. Recently Georgette switched from a Nikon D7200 camera to a Fuji X-Pro2 to lighten her load.

Georgette captures moments she wants to remember. Her subjects include abstracts, people, places, and nature, but her favorite subject is flower close-ups and macros. Lately she is dabbling more with B/W images.

Seeing her images in print completes the photography journey. Georgette has shown her images at

  • The Art League in Alexandria, VA,
  • the Glen Echo Annual Labor Day Art Show,
  • the ArtSpace Herndon Fine Art Photography Exhibit,
  • Last Dahlia of Summer

    Nature Visions annual exhibit, and

  • the Annual Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibit.

From September–October, 2015 she had a solo exhibit at Beanetics Coffee Roasters coffee shop in Annandale, VA. Her image, Dahlia Droplet, was selected for Volume 30 of The Northern Virginia Review, Spring 2016.

Georgette’s images can be seen here.


Man with Dog


Bryce – Inspiration Point

Nancy Dubiell and Bill Vanderpool (Digital)



Bill and Nancy

Nancy Dubiell and Bill Vanderpool have been members of NVPS since….well, since the Washington Gas days.  Both have been interested in photography for many years and when they married, it was a photographer’s match made in heaven.  Both use Canon equipment.
They try to make
one overseas trip a year.  In 2014 they
spent a total of seven weeks in Uzbekistan, Turkey and Morocco, the subject of this presentation.  In addition, they try to make one or two trailer trips somewhere in the states each year.  Nancy is an HR expert and, although retired from full time work, she still does consulting work.  Bill spent 31 years in law enforcement and ten more in law enforcement sales.  He now writes occasional magazine articles and has recently completed his first non-fiction book.

Little known facts?  Nancy lived in Afghanistan for three years and got out just before the Russians invaded.  And Bill was a working cowboy, in New Mexico and Arizona, before returning to his home state of Florida.
They both enjoy nature photography and Bill loves to take portraits of people during their travels.  They print most of their own images, using Photoshop Elements for minimal adjustments and an Epson 1400 for printing.  Their next big trip is to East Africa, their fourth trip there, in July, 2017.

Bill and Nancy visited three intriguing countries in 2015.  In the Spring they traveled to the former Soviet Republic of Uzbekistan and exotic and turbulent Turkey.  Enjoying excellent timing, they left Turkey the day of the controversial elections and one week before a hand grenade attack in Istanbul at one of the major tourist attractions.  In the Fall they spent three weeks in Morocco, from the High Atlas Mountains to the Sahara desert to a beautiful coastal town.  Nancy loved the wonderful architecture in the many souks and Bill shot countless street portraits of the (mostly) friendly people.  Nancy used Pro Show Gold for this presentation.






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