The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles International Airport in Chantilly, Virginia, is fascinating for anyone interested in the history of air and space travel, as well as a challenge to the photographer. museum’s restoration work. Our next field trip is scheduled for Udvar-Hazy on January 21, 2017.
Two large hangers at the center display thousands of artifacts and dozens of air and spacecraft. These include the space shuttle Discovery, a supersonic Concorde, and a SR-71 Blackbird that made the record-setting flight from Los Angeles to Dulles in just over one hour, averaging over 2100 miles per hour. A glass gallery overlooks work-in-progress of restoring historic aircraft and the tower allows an overview of aircraft landing and taking off from Dulles. The Udvar-Hazy building itself provides opportunities for photography, with dramatic shadows on sunny days.
Tripods, monopods and selfie-sticks (perish the thought!) are not allowed in the Udvar-Hazy Center. Any gear or bags will be subject to a security screening at the entrance; a full list of prohibited items can be found here.
We’ll meet at the Udvar-Hazy Center at 10:00. While admission is free, parking will cost $15 if you’re interested in carpooling.
We’ll meet for lunch afterwards (location to be announced at the January meeting).