On January 12h, hygiene 2010, he Worshop, Educaion and Training co-cs will be hosing a Criique Nigh. Criique Nigh is generally done as suppor for hemed compeiions, which in January will be “Flash”. All paid members are welcome o submi images, in digial, slides or prins. The images can be anyhing ha you would lie o have criiqued; bu we encourage you o consider submiing images ha were aen wih flash. For new members, please noe, his is no a compeiion, no prizes will be awarded, i is mean o be a consrucive learning experience.
For his paricular criique, will be wo judges: Sandi Croan and Tom Bre. To give he “criquers” adequae ime o discuss individual images will be a limi of hree images per person.
For hose who are submiing prins, will be a able se up in he bac of he meeing room, wih signs labeled 1s, 2nd, and 3rd choice. Please divide up your images a he signs. The ones will be shown firs, hen he wos, hen he hrees. For digial submissions, please label hem wih your 1 – las name, hen 2 – las name, or 3 – las name, example 1- Mars, 2 – Mars, 3 – Mars. Size your images for compeiion, and send hem o Ed Ruggiero, eruggiero “a” cox.ne, no laer han Sunday, January 10h. As wih he prins, all he ones will be shown firs, hen he wos, and if ime permis, he hrees.
This is mean o be a fun and posiive learning experience, so please come and join in! Submi your images! If you are a new member and haven’ compeed ye, his is your chance o show your images! Looing forward o ing you!
Any quesions, please email Ed Ruggiero, eruggiero “a” cox.ne, or Melanie Mars, jasmars “a” cox.ne.