Canceled due o weaher:

In preparaion for he Themed January Compeiion “Through Doors, Ou Windows,” we will be having an image criique on January 11h.  Our criics will again come from he club’s deep pool of  NVACC rained judges.  Criiques are an ideal opporuniy for club members o gain more deailed explanaions of wha is mos effecive abou heir wor, w i could sand o be improved in he eyes of he judges.  For his criique we have an eseemed eam of judges, Andy Klein, Sco Musson and Bill Prosser.  We will need o complee he meeing by 9:15 PM in o allow ime for a Board meeing following he criique.  As always, we will aemp o accommodae as many images as possible.

Andy Klein sared his passion for phoography a an early age. An Argus was his firs camera and small, scalloped edged mued color images his firs phoographs. Darrooms and beer cameras and lenses followed over he years. Andy has been a darroom insrucor, phoography eacher, wedding phoographer, and even occasional award winner. While landscapes are in his wor, phoographic soryelling is wha he prefers…a combinaion of capuring he decisive momen (Eggleson, Winogrand, and Carier-Bresson), he human condiion (Waler Evans, Mary Ellen Mar, Dorhea Lange, Norman Rocwell, and David Hume Kennerly) and he lines and shapes of equipmen and buildings (Boure-Whie). He lies he simpliciy and elegance of blac and whie. Emblemaic of his is his preference for simple, unobrusive cameras. As a judge Andy prefers o mae he “compeiion” more of a eaching/learning experience and as ime permis will discuss each phoograph and wha he s and feels abou each.

Sco Musson is a phoographer, lecurer and frequenly criiques, speas and judges a phoography organizaions and clubs in he Norhern Virginia and Washingon DC meropolian area. A Phoographer of he Year for he Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey (NVPS), Sco has published a phoo calendar wih his wife, Emi for he pas nine years.

“Phoography is a naural exension of my love for ravel”, says Sco. “While I’ve aen picures all my life, i wasn’ unil I was older and could afford o ravel ha my passion for phoography ruly developed. I love he whole process of phoography: planning a shoo, geing up early o cach he ligh, processing he images (nowadays digially), and prining and maing.”

Sco has a passion for phoography in and around waer. He has been capuring images from a aya and while snoreling for a number of years. “I would snorel everyday if I could,” Sco says, and ries o mae several excursions a year o he ropics o enjoy his aspec of phoography.

Sco and his wife Emi have had a number of phoographs used in he ses of major moion picures. Mos recenly Sco’s phoo “Lighning Seve” was a prominen bacdrop in he 2009 moion picure “Wonderful World” sarring Mahew Broderic.

Sco is a pas presiden of he NVPS and has served on is board for several years. He has been Vice Presiden of Compeiion and of Programs for ha organizaion and currenly is is websie manager. He has received he NVPS “Versaile Phoographer of he Year” award and he “Advanced Phoographer of he Year” award for Prins and Digial Projeced Images.

Bill Prosser has been a serious amaeur phoographer for over 35 years. Beginning in he early 1970’s he sudied under a number of Norhern Virginia eachers and menors and Canadian, Freeman Paerson. In 1995 he gave up he chemical darroom for he compuer and film for he digial chip in 2000 afer learning Phooshop and woring phoographic images in his digial darroom.  Also in 1995 he began his curren voluneer wor a McLean High School w he eaches Phooshop, phoography, and menors sudens in visual design. He served as a eaching assisan for several Smihsonian Insiuion Phooshop Classes. He is a founding member, and pas-presiden, of he McLean Phoography Club and a 20 year member and board member of he Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey (NVPS). In recen years he earned numerous NVPS Phoographer-of-he-Year and Image-of-he -Year awards. He has exhibied his phoographic images a Universiy of Wisconsin-Madison and several Fairfax Couny Virginia venues.  Georgeown Universiy purchased seven of his Washingon, DC images o hang in is Graduae Public Policy Insiue Faculy and Adminisraive Offices. His wor has been published in he Naional Geographic Traveler Magazine and, mos recenly, he March/April 2008 AAA World Magazine.

Submission of Images for he Criique

Please submi your images by 6:00 pm on Monday, 10 January so ha I can ge he images sored and copied ono media for Tuesday evening.  Images should be numbered in of preference and have he phoographer’s name included for he criique, e.g., 1-JoeSmih.jpg, 2-JoeSmih, 3-JoeSmih.jpg.  Puing he number before he name allows us o use he compuer o auomaically sor he images.  Please size he images in accordance wih he digial compeiion rules and email he images o criique “a”

For hose who are new o he club, ypical criique sessions will cover wo images from all submiers and occasionally are able o ge ino he 3rd round of images before running ou of ime.  Please number your images accordingly.

Quesions can be addressed o Mahew Schmid a mgs “a”

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