Over the years I’ve heard some funny things said about cameras and photography.  Some of them intentionally funny and some… I thought I would share a few.  Perhaps you’ve heard some too?  Send them in and I’ll add them to the list (webadmin “at” nvps.org).

My current favorite quote about photography is: “Amateurs worry about equipment, professionals worry about time, masters worry about light.”

My least favorite quote is: I’ll fix it in Photoshop” as I’ve heard it just too many times and wonder why don’t you get it right to start with?  Wont it take less time?

Here are some others and I hope some make you smile:

  • “This damned camera doesn’t know what it’s doing.”
  • “What could possibly go wrong?”
  • “P mode” stands for Professional
  • “What does this button do?”
  • “What do you mean shoot Raw?”
  • They told me to turn mirror lock-up off – at which there was a kind of smacking sound from the direction of my forehead.
  • “It doesn’t matter how many you can shoot. It matters how many you keep”
  • “I shoot people, I see dead pixels”
  • “A definition of a professional photographer: A ‘pro’ NEVER shows anybody the mistakes.”
  • “How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, “I could have done that!””
  • “The quickest way to make money at photography is to sell your camera”
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