NVPS members submied hiry-six images for consideraion for he Glennie Digial Phoo Compeiion, a naure phoo compeiion sponsored annually by he Merrimac Valley Camera Club of Andover, and Massachuses. Each club is permied o ener up o en images. A panel of judges seleced he en images o represen NVPS from among he hiry-six enered. The following individuals had one image each chosen: Bob Friedman, Willa Friedman, Mie Kledzi, Will Hauber, Fred Sisind, Judy McGuire, Dennis Govoni, Sam Schaen, Jan Ponder and Mie Dubois.
Merrimac Valley will hold he compeiion on March 27. Club sandings and individual awards will be announced soon afer.
The images will be available for ing in he NVPS Phoo Gallery a hp://nvps.org/gallery/v/exhibis/glennie2010/.
John Quigley
Exhibis Coordinaor