Steve Gottlieb’s images—from architecture to people to landscapes—have been featured in Shutterbug, Popular Photography, American Photo, Rangefinder, and Photo District News, among many others. He has been recognized with such awards as “Advertising Photograph of the Year” in both NYC and Washington, DC. He is the photographer—and author/designer—of six books, including American Icons, Washington: Portrait of a City, FLUSH: Celebrating Bathrooms Past & Present, and Abandoned America; the latter book was selected by both People magazine and USA Today as “Gift Book of the Year.” Shutterbug has proclaimed Steve “a gifted photographer and author.”
Through Horizon Photography Workshops, Steve leads travel photography workshops in the Western U.S. and in Europe. American Photo magazine called Horizon “One of the 12 Awesome Travel Workshops in the United States.”
Steve has organized the annual Horizon Photography Summit, at which many top pros share their knowledge on a variety of photographic subjects. The Summit will be in Wilmington, DE on Feb. 27-Mar. 1, 2015.
Steve also leads workshops to promote innovation and teambuilding in businesses.
Steve is a graduate of Columbia University College and Law School. He practiced law for a decade before turning his life-long hobby into his vocation. He divides his time between Washington, DC and Chesapeake City, MD.
In the course of leading over 100 workshops, Steve Gottlieb has watched many photographers in action. What most stands out in his mind from these observations is that most amateur photographers do not think through many of the creative opportunities at their disposal. Steve outlines, with a number of illustrations, the most important things he believes you should be thinking about before you press the shutter. And he explains why he thinks most photographers overlook so many of these opportunities.
Horizon Photography Summit
Organized by February speaker Steve Gottlieb
Sixteen leading professional photographers lead 30 classes at the Third Annual Horizon Photography Summit the weekend of February 28 and March 1 in Wilmington, DE. Classes cover a wide range of photographic subjects: Nature, Travel, Photoshop, Flash, Weddings, Sports, Printing, Photo Books, iPhone Apps, Creativity…and much more.
On Friday, February 27 (the day before the weekend Summit), workshops in Location Lighting, Lightroom and more will be held in nearby Chesapeake City, MD.
Location: Univ. of Delaware,
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