Even though we have been to East Africa before, we welcomed this, our fifth trip.  Although the land is the same, the people and the animals are always different.  This trip, with Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT), included Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda.


Nancy and Bill have been members of NVPS since, well, since the Washington Gas days. They started getting more serious about photography as their travels commenced, first within the States and then overseas.  This was their 22nd trip with OAT.

They started with slides and, as they transitioned to digital, kept the old habit of trying to get the image right in the camera, with minimal post processing.  Most of their photography is of their travels.  Bill likes street photography and Nancy leans towards landscapes.  Both enjoy wildlife photography.

After a long dry spell of traveling due to Covid, they have recently started back with a summer trip to Ireland and this one of 3 ½ weeks to Africa.  They are already signed up for at least one trip this year and another in 2024.  Both use Canons and have recently changed to the Tamron 18×400 as their “all-in-one” travel lens.

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