David Heagy, is an award winning photographer, who has photographed a wide variety of US and foreign trips. He has presented his travel photography class for Calumet University, Vermont Bicycle Tours, Vienna Community Center, and AAA Midatlantic Travel.
David was selected as the Vienna Photographic Society’s 2013- 14 Photographer of the Year, and received their William S. Graybill Memorial Award.
He has a degree from the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at Rochester Inst. of Technology. David was a photographer in the U.S. Marine Corps, was responsible for the image quality of National satellite imaging and display systems, and still helps government and commercial organizations design and use satellite imaging systems. He is Vice President for Judging in the Vienna Photographic Society. You can see examples and read his blog at www.imageryx.com

The presentation Tips for your Travel Photography Satisfaction includes telling the story of your trip in a photo book, increasing quality of enlargements for your wall, factors affecting your satisfaction, equipment to take, photographs when you or the subject are moving, protecting images and equipment, editing shortcuts, and four important photographs before you leave. I will also include photographs of favorite travel photography locations.