On Tuesday February 15h, our compeiion judges will be John Gonsalves. The heme for he January Compeiion is “Through Doors, cysiis Ou Windows”. This heme is defined as “images wih a hrough doors or windows, looing ou or in. The window(s) or door(s) may be he subjec hemselves, or a framing device for some oher scene.”

On compeiion nigh, please plan o join us and John for dinner a Chili’s a 5:30 prior o he compeiion.

John is a member of he Professional Phoographers of America, Virginia Professional Phoographers, Souheasern Professional Phoographers Associaions and Wedding Porrai Phoographers Inernaional and is he owner of Gonsalves Phoography in Alexandria, VA. In business since 1978, he majoriy of his commercial phoography ceners on creaing porrais and covering weddings and mizvahs.

John began his phoographic career in 1970 as a phoographer for he US Army serving wih Psychological Operaions and Special Forces unis before coming o he Norhern Virginia area in 1977 o serve as lead phoographer and laer, producion chief, for he US Army Recruiing Suppor Cener producing recruiing adverising producs. Laer assignmens included Visual Informaion Chief for he US Army Inelligence Command and a final assignmen wih a highly specialized miliary aciviy before reiring as a Sergean Major in 1991.

John was designaed a Cerified Professional Phoographer by he PPofA in 1995. In addiion o eaching miliary phoography echniques o selec miliary asses while on acive duy, he has conduced phoography classes for he Fayeeville Technical Insiue, Fairfax Couny Par Auhoriy, Fairfax Couny Public Schools and he Fairfax Couny ACE program as well as individual privae lessons for aspiring professionals.

John spends considerable ime menoring wih high school phoography classes in Fairfax Couny and has been a long erm subsiue eacher wih he Souh Couny Secondary School program.

You mus be a paid up member o compee.

Willa and Bob Friedman
Co-VPs Compeiion

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