The NVPS February Field Trip will be o he Library of Congress, 10 First Sreet SE, Washington, D.C., on Saturday February 11h, from 2:30 o 5 p.m. This is an afternoon shoot as the west setting sun comes through he windows then. (Sunset is a 5:45.)

We will meet at the entrance just before 2:30 but if it is a nice day you may want to start with some shots outside. Planning for dinner afterwards is in the works but that may not be possible due to it being a Saturday night in D.C.

The Great Hall of the Library of Congress is the centerpiece of the Italian Renaissance-style building. The ceiling, 75 feet above the marble floor, is decorated with stained-glass skylights surrounded by aluminum-leaf decorations. The triangular vaults contain the names of the world’s leading writers and thinkers. In the marble floor is a large brass inlay of a compass rose, surrounded by the twelve signs of the zodiac.


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